Dog Listening is the answer to your Dogs problems

May 22, 2020

I was lucky. I had a problem with a dog and literally the next day a neighbour showed me Jan Fennells book so I immediately found the solution. Monty Roberts, the horse whisperer, had changed my world as far as horses go and then he told me Jan would change everything for the better for me and my dogs. (Photo is Zahra my orphaned Zebra and Fundi our Zimbabwean lab on Chishakwe Ranch.)

However, I was to  discover that the world of people and dogs is a complex one with alot of people peddling answers to dogs problems. Many people have told me Dog Listening is outdated now?! …in fact I think the opposite is true Dog Listening was and is way ahead of its time.

One thing Covid 19 has done is made us all stop and think about our lives. How complicated as humans do we make life?

Is life not in fact very simple. Love our friends and family, feel safe and have food and shelter to be happy. Its all the dogs want too. Dog listening addresses these simple needs. Dogs have been and remain the same animal for centuries and centuries. All we need to do is learn their language to live a happy stress free life. Sadly there are alot of dogs who are struggling to live in our weird over complicated world,

The answer does not lie with 100’s of hours of dog training, or using any gadgets. If you change your way of being with your dog the dog instantly becomes an easy to be with loving companion with no problems. They become a member of your family you can understand!

To start changing your world read The Practical Dog Listener by Jan Fennell and learn the simple language of canine communication. Once you start her process you may have questions, humans are good at over complicating the process, so call me! I am only too happy to help.

By Sarah Greeff

I enjoy teaching families dog listening via video chat so they can solve all their dogs issues. I also breed and raise the best sproodle puppies I can.

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