How to buy and raise a dog successfully

October 04, 2020

I breed Sproodles and interview prospective owners in depth before offering them one of my dogs. This is what its like from an owners perspective. Tracy bought a lockdown puppy from me in 2020.

Reggie’s Story by Tracy

After years of promising our daughters we would one day get a dog the time had come. Several months of researching later we’d decided a Sproodle was for us and we were lucky enough to find Sarah. Before we’d even chosen and named our puppy Sarah introduced us to Dog Listening. Both my husband and I had grown up with dogs but given that was a long time ago we were interested to learn more. We knew that Sarah was raising the puppies using Dog Listening, so it made sense to us to continue what she’d begun.

Our gorgeous, brown, furry little boy arrived with us at eight weeks and we all instantly fell in love with him. Reggie was an absolute star from day one. He was very calm in his new surroundings and seemed totally unphased by moving from his pack to a brand-new family. We couldn’t have asked for a better start, he already knew his name and recalled almost instantly, he was clean from day one, he slept throughout the night without any fuss and when speaking to friends and family who had also recently got puppies we felt quietly smug.

However, we would be lying if we said it was that simple. Of course there have been challenges along the way, he is a puppy after all. Dog Listening (and support from Sarah) has helped us work through the challenging days. The nipping and the unwanted behaviour in the house and garden etc. have all been met with a calm and consistent response and we’ve involved the whole family in this process. As well as teaching Reggie the cute stuff, like paw and roll over, the children have also practised recall and learnt to walk with him on a loose lead, first in the garden and now out of the house. They know how to greet him when entering a room, they assist with feeding and grooming and can cope with him when he needs time out to calm down.

Reggie will always have bundles of energy; he is half Springer Spaniel. That said, he is such a lovely, chilled dog already. He loves going out for walks and playing in the garden but is equally happy to snooze by our feet (or in another room) whilst we are working at home. One of the key things Dog Listening has bought to our house throughout this time is calm and the ability to cope with the challenges of a puppy. When you know the techniques to help you it takes the stress away and it makes sense that a stress free owner helps to breed a stress free dog. We know there is still a long road ahead but we feel Reggie has made a really brilliant start…



PS. From Sarah. Reggie is from my lockdown litter in 2020. I had only met Tracy and her family via Whatsapp video from their home in Surrey.  When as a breeder we risk our dogs life to have puppies, we then spend eight exhausting weeks with them raising them the best we can. It is heart breaking to hand them over to their new homes. However, when the owner follows all the Dog Listening guidelines and keeps in touch then it is all worth it. This is the ultimate happiness for a breeder and why we do it…

Get in touch via email if you want dog listening from Day 1 with your puppy.


By Sarah Greeff

I enjoy teaching families dog listening via video chat so they can solve all their dogs issues. I also breed and raise the best sproodle puppies I can.

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