Springer Spaniel Puppies 2021

November 12, 2021
Sarah and tied springer spaniels

You can make as many plans as you want but sometimes life just gets in the way. I wanted to have my last litter with Lupin in the safety of our gorgeous renovated home in Seaview on the Isle of Wight. I had designed it specially to have puppies and had a fabulous stud dog, I had already visited, lined up in Southampton.

Then in the same year we decided to move house and Lupins season just didn’t start. Then Tulis did in the week we were about to move up to Scotland, when Lupin came into season and I was scrambling with dates and looking for a new stud dog.

We moved up and arrived in Scotland on the Monday by Thursday we were driving back down to the Cairngorms to meet Helen and Oak on the best days, 10 and 12, for Lupin to get pregnant. I couldn’t wait until her next season as then she would be too old. This was it, my chance to make mini-lupins! When we decided to move to the Highlands and I realised we would have over 100 acres I finally could have more dogs!

Lupin went into labour on the 10th November at 6.55pm, the first few were pushed out pronto, she was ready to burst her tummy as tight as a drum. Then it slowed down and the final puppy was born at 3.30am on the 11th. The perfect dozen, just as she had done for her first litter. She is the most amazing mother, genetically made to be the ‘Alpha’ dog, her behaviour one of a dominant dog designed to be responsible for the rearing of the next generation. This time round we are both more practiced and a whole lot more relaxed about the procedure. I have learnt properly about dog language and can read her like a book, I know when when she needs space and when she needs to play, when she needs to go out and when she needs more food. The first few days she is ultra protective, carefully feeding, cleaning and making sure they are warm. As Jan Fennell told me she is able to cleverly divide them into groups so that only half feed at a time. When she needs a rest she lies protecting her stomach and they sleep. It is the most heart warming unbelievable act of nature to be a witness too.

Unlike my lockdown litters and because I am known for having Sproodles I didn’t have a waiting list. I had an application process which all the families go through and I will continue to support them with dog listening advice. I did regular live video updates on my facebook page which I am continuing as I am keeping three of the girls. You can follow my page and keep learning about how to raise a puppy the dog listening way with me.


By Sarah Greeff

I enjoy teaching families dog listening via video chat so they can solve all their dogs issues. I also breed and raise the best sproodle puppies I can.

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