Trust and Toilet Training : Jess a Sproodle Puppy

November 30, 2023
An 8 week old sproodle puppy doing a poo outside on astro turf

Jess is one of my Sproodle puppies born on Muie Croft in 2023. I am using her as an example for how dog listening allows a puppy to trust us so toilet training is achieved naturally.

Training a litter is easy. I keep their space the right size so as soon as they can walk a piece of astro turf is placed a few steps away from their bed. They naturally walk away from where they sleep, their little paws hit the soft astro turf and they wee and stagger back to bed. Slowly you move the astro turf further away and then once they are strong enough to go outside it goes out, smelling very strongly of all their wees and poos.

When I opened the puppy flap she had no hesitation in coming outside and although the smallest of the litter was also the first to work out how to open the puppy flap, paws up and straight out. She naturally went to the flap when she needed to go and would look up waiting for me to take away the wooden door so she could hop out. It didn’t matter what the weather was doing she would go out in the wind and rain to do her business when the rest of the litter refused. So I told Frances, Jess is amazing you will have no problems with toilet training. Ian her husband had especially built a ramp down their steps, larger than the one I was using but the same so I was confident she would be straight down it and out.

Famous last words! Jess was now in a very strange place with strange people and her natural need for staying safe came to the fore. Frances gently put the puppy carrier down in her utility room and opened the door. Jess remained in the carrier for 10 minutes, came out saw Frances and then dived back into the safety of the box. In dog listening we never force a dog towards something that scares them, this just terrifies a dog more. We stand back and do nothing, we stay calm, silent and still, just a reassuring presence that all is well and wait for the dog to figure it out on their own. This is how we gain trust. Jess went to sleep in her crate and did not wee that first night. Remember dogs will only go when and where they feel safe. Next morning when Frances let her out and opened the back door onto their garden, she walked out and Jess stood there staring refusing to budge. So Frances popped her piece of astro turf by the back door mat inside and Jess happily used that. All day on Sunday Frances went outside and stood in her garden every two hours and Jess stood by the back door staring at her.

On Monday Frances daughter came over for coffee and had the brilliant idea that they both have coffee in the garden. They were outside relaxed and chatting while Jess howled in the doorway standing on her astro turf which they had laid over the threshold. Then Frances and her daughter walked round the garden, completely ignoring her and she put her two feet out of the back door. It took about 30 mins for Jess to get to the top of her special ramp. Emily went and sat with her and they played. Once she started to chew too much she was popped back for her nap.

After her nap at lunchtime it was time to try again. Frances removed all the astro turf from inside and walked out ahead of Jess calmly, silently and with no eye contact. In dog listening we use our body language to show the dog what we want. In a few minutes Jess had stepped out onto the top step and then rushed down the steps (her first steps and something we try and avoid for while their joints are still forming!). Once outside she explored all the smells and plants very happily but did not wee or poo. Remember they will ONLY do this outside when they feel safe. Frances went back inside and called Jess in with a food reward and she went into her pen for her sleep.

9 week old sproodle puppy in new home

Frances persevered, every two hours from 6am through to 9pm she stepped outside first silently and calmly staying with Jess until on Wednesday…SUCCESS wees and poos outside.

The first month with your new puppy should simply be about toilet and sleep training. Allowing the puppy to get used to the new home, new people in their own safe space. Keep their world small because they are still very very young and impressionable. You can only work with a dog when they are calm and they trust you.

By Sarah Greeff

I enjoy teaching families dog listening via video chat so they can solve all their dogs issues. I also breed and raise the best sproodle puppies I can.

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